E-Cordial and Z3-Magic Labelings in Extended Triplicate Graph of a Path
In this paper we prove that the extended triplicate graph (ETG) of finite paths admits product E-cordial, total product E-cordial labelings. We show that ETG of finite paths of length n where n ∉ {4m-3|m∈N} admits E-Cordial, total E-cordial labelings and also we prove the existence of Z3 – magic labeling for the modified Extended Triplicate graph.
منابع مشابه
Some Graph Labelings in Competition Graph of Cayley Digraphs
In this paper we present an algorithm and prove the existence of graph labelings such as Z 3 -magic, Cordial, total cordial, E-cordial, total E-cordial, Product cordial, total product cordial, Product E-cordial, total product E-cordial labelings for the Competition graph of the Cayley digraphs associated with the diheadral group D n . AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 05C78.
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A graph G is said to have a totally magic cordial labeling with constant C if there exists a mapping f : V (G) ∪ E(G) → {0, 1} such that f(a) + f(b) + f(ab) ≡ C (mod 2) for all ab ∈ E(G) and |nf (0) − nf (1)| ≤ 1, where nf (i) (i = 0, 1) is the sum of the number of vertices and edges with label i. In this paper, we give a necessary condition for an odd graph to be not totally magic cordial and ...
متن کاملBalanced Degree-Magic Labelings of Complete Bipartite Graphs under Binary Operations
A graph is called supermagic if there is a labeling of edges where the edges are labeled with consecutive distinct positive integers such that the sum of the labels of all edges incident with any vertex is constant. A graph G is called degree-magic if there is a labeling of the edges by integers 1, 2, ..., |E(G)| such that the sum of the labels of the edges incident with any vertex v is equal t...
متن کاملThe place of super edge-magic labelings among other classes of labelings
A (p; q)-graph G is edge-magic if there exists a bijective function f :V (G)∪E(G)→{1; 2; : : : ; p + q} such that f(u) + f(v) + f(uv)= k is a constant, called the valence of f, for any edge uv of G. Moreover, G is said to be super edge-magic if f(V (G))= {1; 2; : : : ; p}. In this paper, we present some necessary conditions for a graph to be super edge-magic. By means of these, we study the sup...
متن کاملSome Graph Labelings on Middle Graph of Extended Duplicate Graph of a Path
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